Liberated Parenting Course: Week 5

Fort Collins Montessori School • May 13, 2019

Week Five Recap: Planting the Seed

“Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond and we cease to be alone.” -Wendell Berry

We discussed how this seminar is really the beginning of a lifelong journey. We reflected on our own progress so far on this journey and focused on using our community for accountability and support. We shared discussion and questions after viewing classroom video clips. We mapped out our “family cultures,” including values, preferences, and routines.

The videos we viewed can be found at

The “French Food Rules” map we shared can be found at



Coming Up in Week Six: The Prepared Environment

We will use our last week to begin integrating what we’ve learned into practical, day-to-day changes in the physical environment and the home routine. This will include the role of the adult, the child’s work versus the adult’s work, supporting functional independence and concentration, self-care and care of the environment, and the family as a community of reciprocal respect.

Please come prepared having read:

Maria Montessori Speaks to Parents : Chapter 11

Last week we developed our Family Culture Maps.  Please bring your map back to Week 6 with you, we’ll be digging in deeper to use them in creating your home environment.

If you missed last week, please find another participant who can catch you up on this assignment.


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