FCMS New Student Application Form

Please click the button below to access the New Student Application Form.

Priority Order for Admission to FCMS

For each grade level where the number of new applicants exceeds the number of spaces available, and during Post‐Lottery Enrollment as applicants are added to the waiting list, the determination of placement for each applicant shall be made based on the following order of priority:

  1. Currently enrolled students (Preschool and K-6th grade), who have submitted an Intent to Re-Enroll form by the January deadline.
  2. Children and grandchildren of “founding families,” defined as (1) members of the Fort Collins Montessori School Board of Directors at the time the Charter was approved who have committed to serving a full three year term, and (2) families who submitted an Intent to Enroll form for at least one child by the last business day of June, AND who completed at least 20 hours of volunteerism with FCMS by August 15, 2014.
  3. Children of full‐time staff.
  4. Siblings of Fort Collins Montessori School students.
  5. a. Should there be more siblings of Fort Collins Montessori School students than enrollment openings for a given grade level, enrollment shall be offered by computerized random selection from this priority group for the affected grade level.
  6. b. Sibling means: any child/children living in the same household or with a common parent(s)/legal guardian in separate households. This includes children who become siblings by marriage and/or adoption. Any sibling born while a student is enrolled may retain that status even if the original student graduates from Fort Collins Montessori School before he/she reaches Kindergarten. If sibling priority is forfeited more than once, sibling priority will no longer be honored.
  7. c. Any sibling offered a position in the first semester must enroll or forfeit their position, and are then subject to general lottery rules. Sibling priority applies to an applicant for K‐6th who has a sibling already enrolled in K‐6th. Sibling priority also applies to applicants for preschool (the 3 and 4‐year‐old program) who have a sibling in preschool or K‐6th. Sibling priority DOES NOT apply for an applicant to K‐6th who has a sibling only in the Preschool (3- and 4‐year old program).
  8. District resident students with previous, uninterrupted Montessori enrollment (1st through 6th grades).
  9. All other non-District students with previous, uninterrupted Montessori enrollment (1st through 6th grades).
  10. District residents (physical mailing address within the Poudre School District).
  11. All non‐district residents.

Enrollment in charter schools is available to all students, including students with disabilities, and information about disabilities will not be requested until a student has been admitted and enrolled in a charter school. For questions regarding the admission and enrollment of students with disabilities in charter schools, you may contact Paul Vincent, Head of School at pvincent@focomontessori.org or by phone at 970-631-8612.

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