Classic Montessori

A bowl with a nest inside is sitting on a table next to a plate of seashells.

What does “classic” Montessori mean at FCMS?

FCMS provides a Pre-K through 6th grade Montessori educational experience. Our program strives to be a classic Montessori program within the environment of a public charter school.

Key elements of this model include:

  • Full three-year cycles beginning at age three.
  • Uninterrupted work periods at all levels.
  • A fully integrated curriculum including art and music.
  • A full day program for the Primary Level (ages 3-6).
  • Minimal use of supplementary material at the Primary Level.
  • rained Montessori teachers (“Guides”) and assistants in every classroom.
  • A full complement of Montessori materials in all classrooms.
  • Montessori trained and experienced leadership.

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