Be considerate of others in your child’s class. Do not send your child to school if s/he is “coming down with something.” Children who are not feeling well have a more difficult time participating in the classroom. Please keep your child at home until they are fully well and no longer contagious. This is so important for the well-being of all in our school community.
Please remember that children go outside daily except in inclement weather. If your child is unable to take part in outdoor activities because of illness, please keep him/her at home for the day since we cannot keep individual children indoors during these activities.
For the complete FCMS Illness Policy, please consult the FCMS Family Handbook located on the Policies page.
To notify the school of your child’s absence, please call the attendance line at 970-999-5271 or email the school office at [email protected] and cc: your child’s teacher or call the school office. To contact the Before or After Care staff, please email [email protected].
“Fort Collins Montessori School is truly a wonderful place. The staff and teachers are the best you'll find - passionate about educating in the Montessori method; caring and compassionate towards the students; easy to work with, communicative, and responsive. We absolutely love it here!”
- Parent / Guardian
Education That Nurtures The Human Potential
Fort Collins Montessori School