Letter From the FCMS Board

Fort Collins Montessori School • August 21, 2020

Dear FCMS Community,

What an exciting start to the 2020 school year! We are making unprecedented progress as we offer Montessori on a virtual platform. Our guides, staff, Head of School, and yes, even the Board have been working tirelessly to create an amazing academic experience. A quick shout out to our teachers and staff who have invested many hours to develop what we are stepping in to August 24th—a virtual offering of Montessori! And as always, we are committed to providing a classical Montessori experience for our students and families.

While all of this is very exciting, we would be amiss to not mention the uncertainty of this time and the strain on our families, staff, and community. While times are trying, and the future is not as sure as it was at the beginning of last year, possibilities really are endless and great. We firmly believe that through this community, through our guides, families, and classical Montessori methods, we WILL step into the future with hope because our children will. While we will all be shaped by this season in time, let it be for the better.

Building Update

We have finalized the building process. We have a home! The students, staff, and families will not be enjoying the full benefits just yet, however, WE HAVE A HOME! What this space provides has multiple layers; but the most felt win of this new space is a place for our staff to work from and provide amazing Montessori education virtually and eventually in person!

Online Education

Like we said previously, the staff has worked very hard this summer to not only provide but excel at offering an excellent virtual Montessori experience. This is one of our most prepared for years! With that being said, we will all be learning together. This is one amazing community and it will be a testimony to see how we work together and learn forward! Please feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions, concerns, or problems. We are accessible and here for you.


While we are an academic offering, we realize a virtual platform may create challenges for families. If you need tuition assistance, please fill out a current FEDS (Federal Economic Data Survey) form  and return to the school office (if you need a one mailed to you, please contact [email protected] ).  For qualifying families, a 25% discount may be applied to tuition. We are all experiencing changes in this challenging economic environment and please resource yourself through filling out a current FEDS form for your family. You may also reach out to our Board or the FCMS office with any questions.

Board Meeting

A Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 27th starting at 5:30pm. Please look for the Board Agenda to be posted on the school blog on Wednesday. The meeting will be virtual so feel free to join us!

Town Hall

Last but not least, we would like to host a virtual Town Hall meeting for our community after the first couple weeks of school. Join us Thursday, September 3rd. We want to hear what is working, what is not working, questions, concerns, or even what amazing things are happening with our kids and school! It will start at 5:30p and end at 7:00p. Please mark your calendars.

Unprecedented times call for care and courage. We are thankful to be in a community that holds both of those values dearly. Here is to a great year!

Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and strength, use it to create.
– Maria Montessori

The FCMS Board

Robyn Hoxie, Parent Member, President
Brent Croft, Community Member, Vice President
Dan Rinehart, Parent Member, Treasurer
Nancy Tellez, Community Member, Secretary
Janice Spearman, Community Member

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