Dear FCMS Parents,
Greetings from the FCMS Facilities Committee! We recognize that after the teachers and curriculum, the school’s facilitates are one of the biggest questions for our community. As such, in an attempt to keep you informed on a more regular basis, we’ll be sending out updates every three months via the school newsletter. Look for them in Frank’s bulletins (such as this one).
The FCMS Facilities Committee has been working on the strategic plan and evaluating options for our school since 2015. Currently, we meet two times a month to discuss these important items and we will continue to operate until we have secured and opened a long term permanent site and facility.
We’re quite fortunate at the moment to have such quality, temporary facilities available to us, but understandably there are some concerns given the unknown future of our school’s building and location. Please note that finding a permanent facility is among the biggest challenges for most brand new charter schools, yet most succeed in finding a permanent site within seven to ten years after first opening. We will be well within that norm, and quite possibly even less.
Right now, our focus is working with our current sites to secure needed space through 2020, which is readily achievable. Ronnie, who has secured all of our sites to date, is working with the various stakeholders (the churches, the city, the Board, etc.) to understand what adjustments are needed to make our rapidly growing school work in these environments. We also continue on an ongoing basis to seek out and evaluate long term sites that meet our needs.
How can you help? Demonstrated strong enrollment – including a wait list – is one important factor lenders look at when considering financing a charter school. You can help by continuing to spread the word about FCMS among your social network. Another important factor for lenders is solid financial performance, including operating in the black and growing our reserves. You and other friends of FCMS can help with financial performance by continuing to embrace our school’s culture of giving and making financial donations at a level consistent with your family’s capacity.
Lastly, if you are interested in joining our committee, we are looking for an additional 1-2 volunteers.
Our committee is open to receiving your questions, comments and feedback. Please email the committee chair, Dan Rinehart, at [email protected]
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Education That Nurtures The Human Potential
Fort Collins Montessori School