RFP for Annex Expansion Scoping

Fort Collins Montessori School • August 16, 2017

Fort Collins Montessori School is seeking a consulting and advisory support to help prepare for a potential expansion of our existing use of Immanuel Christian Reformed Church (ICRC) at 1900 S Taft Hill Rd, Fort Collins, CO 8052.

Corresponding to this work, we need an updated Certificate of Occupancy from the State Department of Fire and Prevention Safety as well as any other appropriate reporting bodies that ensure that schools meet State and Federal public safety regulations.

Specifically, we are looking for assistance with the following:

  • Engagement with all requisite permitting entities to show decision-making individuals the proposed expansion locations, to describe our proposed use of the space, and to understand from those decisions what changes to the space, if any, would be expected to fulfill the permit requirements
  • Expansion and refinement of our initial list of the specific steps needed to prepare the site for our expanded occupancy (proposed for the 2018-19 school year):
    • Renovation of facilities to meet our programmatic and permitting needs
    • Potential adjustments to the property to align with expanded use.
  • Estimate the price and time required for the work

The end deliverables of this project would be:

  • A summary document summarizing meetings with permitting entities, explaining the work to be done, and describing any findings uncovered related to either permitting or programmatic needs (any format)
  • A project plan for renovations with activities, dates, key dependencies and milestones (preferred to be in Microsoft excel)
  • An initial estimate of costs for each of the major steps needed (preferred to be in Microsoft excel) with details on the assumptions made

We also request 3 references from similar efforts and descriptions of prior experiences in similar efforts.

Deadline for submission is August 25 th at 5 PM mountain time. Please submit proposals via email to [email protected]

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