Testing in April

Fort Collins Montessori School • April 30, 2016

Our testing is finally over and our children are returning to a normal classroom work day. I think it is important to take note of the broader picture that our school takes regarding the education of our children, so I am including the following quote.

Our schools serve the development and cultivation of those intangible qualities that are difficult to measure: the human potentials. Hence, alongside academic achievement, by virtue of a very deliberate process, Montessori children develop the abilities to think and act independently, to think creatively and comprehensively, to be accountable and responsible to one’s commitments to others, to work collaboratively in groups successfully, to empathize and care for others and the world at large, and to view themselves as contributors, seeking to discover the gift each holds in potential in order to bestow that gift on society for the greater good of humankind. Imposing a list of academic expectations on children, which is the goal of the CCSS, can never achieve the development of those indispensable characteristics that we Montessorians have seen spontaneously bloom in our children throughout the decades that we have been implementing faithfully Dr. Montessori’s principles and vision.
~Phyllis Pottish-Lewis, a Montessori teacher trainer, excerpted from her comments in 2014 about Common Core State Standards and the Montessori educational experience.

FCMS remains committed to our mission of providing an authentic Montessori educational program which includes both academic and social skill development.

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